Learn Kanji


Japanese School Grade

Kanji related to Work

I have grouped a small set of 49 Japanese School Grade-4 Kanji that are related to Work

All these words have some similarity or they are related to other Kanji in meaning. We remember things by seeing the similarity or relation. Hence the grouping. Please note some Kanji may get repeated in other groups for the same reason.

This is an easy milestone to cross. Let us get started.

List of School Grade-4 Kanji that are related to Work

# Kanji Meaning OnYomi KunYomi
442 Conflict Araso-U
443 Attach Fu Tsu-Ku
444 Orders Rei
446 Go-Between Chū Naka
447 Transmit Den Tsuta-Eru
450 Example Rei Tato-Eru
452 Trust Shin
453 Storage Kura
459 Work Hatara-Ku
469 Profit Ri
470 Printing Satsu Su-Ru
472 Achievement
473 Add Ka Kuwa-Eru
474 Toil Do Tsuto-Meru
475 Labor Negira-U
476 Courage Isa-Mu
479 Cooperation Kyō
482 Mark In Shirushi
487 Tell Koku Tsu-Geru
494 Model Kei Kata
498 Change, Strange Hen Ka-Waru
516 Build Ken Ta-Teru
519 Acquire Toku E-Ru
520 Inevitable Hitsu Kanara-Zu
527 Reformation Kai Arata-Meru
528 Salvation Kyū Suku-U
529 Failure Hai Yabu-Reru
543 Accomplish, Fruit Ka Ha-Tasu
545 Plan An
550 Machine Ki Hata
551 Lack Ketsu Ka-Keru
558 Request Kyū Moto-Mu
581 Accumulate; Pile Seki Tsu-Mu
582 Emulate Kyō Kiso-U
584 Pipe Kan Kuda
588 Promise Yaku
589 Tie Ketsu Musu-Bu, Yu-U
590 Salary Kyū Tama-U
591 Continue Zoku Tsuzu-Ku
606 Need I-Ru
608 Observe Kan Mi-Ru
613 Deliberation Gi
618 Prize Shō
621 Resign; Speech; Encyclopedia Ji Kotoba, Ya-Meru
624 Attain Tachi
625 Choose Sen Era-Bu
634 Obey Jun
635 Request Gan Nega-U
640 Verify Ken

Now you have completed learning them - Congrats. This is a "small success" and a step ahead to completing all School Grade-4 Japanese Kanji

Check out other Kanji groups here.

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