Learn Kanji


Japanese School Grade

Kanji related to Opposites

I have grouped a small set of 22 Japanese School Grade-4 Kanji that are related to Opposites

All these words have some similarity or they are related to other Kanji in meaning. We remember things by seeing the similarity or relation. Hence the grouping. Please note some Kanji may get repeated in other groups for the same reason.

This is an easy milestone to cross. Let us get started.

List of School Grade-4 Kanji that are related to Opposites

# Kanji Meaning OnYomi KunYomi
449 Low Tei Hiku-I
455 Borrow Shaku Ka-Riru
457 Healthy Ken Suko-Yaka
463 Together Kyō Tomo
466 Cool Rei Tsume-Tai, Hi-Eru, Sa-Meru
467 First Sho Hatsu, Haji-Me
468 Separate Betsu Waka-Reru
480 Simple Tan
493 Harden Ko Kata-Maru
500 Lose Shitsu Ushina-U
501 Like Su-Ku, Kono-Mu
504 Perfect Kan
519 Acquire Toku E-Ru
524 War Sen Ikusa, Tataka-U
538 End Matsu Sue
562 Shallow Sen Asa-I
565 Full Man Mi-Chiru
589 Tie Ketsu Musu-Bu, Yu-U
599 Good Ryō Yo-I
616 Savings Cho Ta-Meru
617 Expense Hi Tsui-Yasu
633 Quiet Sei Shizu-Ka

Note: Some Kanji may not have opposite within this grade but you can find an opposite in other grade. Since there is one opposite word that exists, I have listed down the Kanji in this table.

Now you have completed learning them - Congrats. This is a "small success" and a step ahead to completing all School Grade-4 Japanese Kanji

Check out other Kanji groups here.

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